Real mentoring for women.
Pioneering work has an impact because we put our principles into practice. Our success proves us right.
Equality between women and men has been a stated goal at DORDA for many years. We recognized the potential of women's advancement in the legal industry early on and integrated it into our corporate strategy. We deliberately make our project teams diverse in order to demonstrably achieve better results. Equal opportunities at all levels are part of our corporate culture and are at the heart of the women@DORDA initiative. This support and mentoring program for women is continuously evaluated and expanded.
A separate management agenda keeps the topic of equal opportunities in focus at all career levels. In a 360° review, partners at DORDA are assessed on how successfully they are implementing equality in their teams. Currently around 50% of attorneys and around 55% of associates working at DORDA are female. The principle of equal payment has been implemented completely.
The next step: increase the number of female partners.
Milestones achieved and new goals: equality at all career levels, further expansion and flexibilization of re-entry and part-time models, as well as parental leave solutions for partners, attorneys and associates, further development of mentoring programs, active establishment of networks and making them accessible, initiation of events and successful implementation with cooperation partners.
Our track record: Awarded "Firm of the Year" and "Career Development" for Austria at the Women in Business Law Awards 2023.
There is still plenty to do for true equality. We continue to pursue this aim consistently.
With support from the start.
First get a foothold, then spread your wings.
The women@DORDA mentoring programme supports young female lawyers in realizing their full potential, by challenging, promoting, and advancing. We do not see mentoring as a one-way street: we value the diverse experiences of our employees and their ideas very much, so that we too can continue to develop as an employer.
Learning from each other, growing together. Across the generations. This is our living reality.

Clear solutions for work and family life.
The 4-day week is reality.
DORDA offers customizable part-time models and home office solutions for women and men at all levels. This not only makes it easier to reconcile family and career, but also to cope with life's many challenges.
At DORDA, all lawyers and partners have the opportunity to reduce their working hours by up to 50% for an unlimited period of time. For example, because they want to do academic work alongside their job, look after relatives, or enjoy spending time in the mountains or with their children.
The decisive point with all part-time models from DORDA: career and promotion opportunities remain intact. No matter at which career level and in which position the model is used. We don't just pay lip service to this, it's reality: of the last partner appointments, 65% of the new partners were already in a part-time model.
What counts is the result and a good work-life balance for both sides.
Leadership and personal development.
Strong support. For powerful development.
DORDA is committed to providing employees with leadership and life skills. This enables them to take the next step not only in their job, but also in their personal development.
DORDA regularly offers leadership workshops to develop leadership skills, presentation training to improve confidence in public speaking, and mindfulness seminars to learn how to better manage stress in everyday life.
Goal-oriented give and take. Challenge and encourage.

Mentoring as a career turbocharger.
Inspiration through role models. Learning from the best.
Women network differently than men, set their own accents, and often choose more personal approaches in building (business) relationships and in professional development. Therefore, DORDA promotes this exchange.
For example, in the form of the quarterly evening events "Role models wanted! Because you can't be what you can't see!", where DORDA lawyers meet inspiring female role models. Successful role models from the fields of business, politics, law, and technology give insights into their personal career paths.
At the "Inspirational Breakfasts", the female lawyers of DORDA meet four times a year to exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. It doesn't matter whether the focus is on professional or private topics: the aim is to get to know each other better across all career levels, to strengthen each other, and to promote networking.
We connect with other women's networks, such as Female Founders, and actively participate in lighthouse events such as the annual Forbes Women Summit.
In periodic mentoring meetings, experienced DORDA lawyers and partners provide impetus and support in exploring personal development opportunities. For a sharp self-image and a clear-cut career.
Dynamic cooperation with clear expectations. Rating: exciting and particularly helpful.
Interested in becoming a part of DORDA?
Alone you have power –
together we have force.

Led by DORDA managing partner Francine Brogyanyi and attorney Magdalena Nitsche, this initiative brings together different personalities with diverse professional experience and comprehensive expertise.