you@DORDA - We believe in, support, and promote those we bring into our team.
You are looking to work self-determinedly? You believe that regular exchange and ongoing feedback is important? Then DORDA is the right place for you.
Challenge and promote, independent and involved.
As a business law firm with a broad base, general training is not at odds with specialisation, because from day one you will be working in a very networked and interdisciplinary way.
Self-determined work in your own office, regular exchange and ongoing feedback. Even during your training period, we fully involve you in our cases.
Our internal further training measures within the framework of the DORDA Academy offer deep insights into different areas of law and provide the best possible preparation for the bar exam. We pay the training costs for the seminars which are necessary according to the Viennese Bar Association.
For a clear self-image and a clear career path.

"I started at DORDA as a trainee. The training and further education was a major reason for me to choose DORDA, and to work as a lawyer."
- Julia Landskron, Attorney

“Self-determined work and regular feedback highten my personal and professional development.“
- Alexander Capka, Associate
Self-determined, with support.
Dynamic collaboration with clear expectations.
As part of a team, you will manage cases, contribute your knowledge, and assume responsibility. Directly towards clients, courts, and authorities.
Through regular feedback, DORDA's associates and partners provide our employees with input and support in exploring personal development opportunities.
This is how we guide our associates on their path to becoming experts in their field of law.
Personal development. Professional development.
If you would like to apply as an associate, please send your application to our recruiting team at
Anytime! If you're interested in working for DORDA, we look forward to receiving your application.
It is not necessary to have an A average to join us as an associate. Mixed grades are perfectly fine. However, if the grade point average is conspicuously low, there should be a comprehensible reason for this in your resume and/or letter of motivation. For applicants who have previous experience (large "Legitimationsurkunde" or passed the bar exam), grades are of importance.
If we require prior experience for a certain position, we will specify this in the job posting. Otherwise, no prior experience in addition to a law degree is required.
Basically, a two-phase interview and a four-eyes principle. In the first round, you will introduce yourself to two partners responsible for recruiting. In a second round, you will be introduced to partners and principal associates of the teams under consideration.
Each onboarding process consists of internal training sessions and an individual team-specific onboarding process. We offer respectful integration and networking within the firm and the respective team.
Extensive research, drafting contracts or memos, preparing briefs, preparing emails to clients, even more research, translating documents, participating in conference calls with clients. However, we rarely have a fixed daily routine. Since our teams are comparatively small (two to ten people), even beginners are assigned exciting tasks from day one and are intensively involved in ongoing projects. In addition, we often work across teams, which gives you deep insight into other practice areas.
Your own office, training and development seminars, our DORDA Academy, sparring partners, regular after-work events, feedback and development sessions, team players, book projects, room for growth.
Our specialist and interdisciplinary training modules in the course of the DORDA Academy and our training passport serve this purpose. We cover the costs of necessary half-days. Paid exam-prep-leave is 20 days.
Salaries and increases are based on a transparent and uniform salary scheme that is based on the seniority of employees. The starting salary is currently EUR 3,650 gross and rises to EUR 6,000 gross until an increase shortly before promotion to principal associate.
Make a statement. Join DORDA.

If you have questions regarding your application, please contact Anna Choma, Msc (Human Resources) at +43-1-533 4795-303. Recruiting-Partner Mag Christoph Brogyányi looks forward to receiving your application at