Christian Richter-Schöller


Christian Richter-Schöller

Christian Richter-Schöller has been with DORDA since 2014. He specializes in banking and capital markets law as well as insurance supervisory law. He advises established companies and startups in supervisory law, in contract negotiations and before courts.

His special focus is ESG and sustainability law. Since 2020 he has been co-head of the DORDA Sustainability Group. His areas of expertise are sustainable finance, the legal framework around supply chains and value chains and circular economy.

He is founder and head of an Europe-wide network of ESG lawyers, founding member of the interdisciplinary consultants network ESG Experts Austria, and jury member of the Sustainability Law Award. Further, Christian is frequent speaker at national and international organizations and editor of the first systematic anthology on ESG law in German language and a practical guide to sustainable financing.



University of Vienna (Mag iur, Dr iur)

Praxishandbuch Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, 1. Auflage, 2025
Lieferkettenregeln unlocked
Praxishandbuch Nachhaltige Finanzierung

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  • Frequent speaker at national and international organizations (e.g. AWAK, ARS, IBA, imh, Linde, Manz) as well as at technical colleges and universities

  • Advisor of the Circular Economy Forum Austria

  • Founding member of the interdisciplinary network of consultants ESG Experts Austria

  • Member of the jury at the Award for Sustainability Law

  • Speaker at Anwaltsakademie