AI Summit 2024: DORDA and Women in AI look to the future of artificial intelligence

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For the third time in a row, DORDA Digital Industries Group, in cooperation with Women in AI, hosted the annual update on the latest developments and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence. The motto of the AI Summit 2024 was program: "L E T's talk AI. Legal | Ethics | Tech".

Top-class presentations and exciting discussions that create clarity

The event offered participants a deep insight into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and highlighted the topics of law, ethics and technology from various perspectives with leading AI experts.

Gianna Maria Lengyel, M.Sc (LSE), Head of Business Development at MistralAI, opened the summit with a keynote on "GenAI Competence". Her presentation set the tone for an inspiring and informative event that provided participants with a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities of AI. The following three focal points of the summit at a glance


  • "Human oversight and automated decision making - a contradiction?": Dr. Natalie Segur-Cabanac, Vice President of ISPA and Data Protection Officer at T-Mobile, shed light on the necessary balance between human oversight and machine decision-making.
  • "AI governance in the banking sector": Clemens Dreihann-Holenia, Group Data & AI Lead at Erste Group, spoke about the regulatory requirements and implementation strategies for AI in banking.
  • "AI Regulation in Marketing - Dark Patterns and Manipulative Techniques in the Light of the AI Regulation": Alexandra Ciarnau and Axel Anderl Head of DORDA Digital Industries Group discussed the challenges of the AI Regulation in the marketing context.


  • "Who is keeping an eye on AI? Ethical positions and questions on 'human-in-the-loop": Dr. Eugenia Stamboliev, philosopher at the University of Vienna, discussed the need for human oversight of AI systems.
  • "The fundamental rights impact assessment under the AI Regulation": Dr. Rania Wazir, CEO of, analyzed the impact of the AI Regulation on fundamental rights together with David Reichel, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
  • "AI skills - development and motivation in companies": Florian Hasibar, Co-Founder of, gave insights into the promotion of AI skills within companies.


  • "Using virtual assistants for AI compliance": Carina Zehetmaier from spoke about the role of virtual assistants in AI compliance.
  • "Energy Industry & AI: Selected Use Cases": Dr. Denis Parganlija from Verbund AG presented practical examples of the use of AI in the energy industry.
  • "Augmented computing with AI": Andreas Fraunberger from D#Avantgarde showed how AI and augmented computing interact.

The event concluded with a lively fishbowl discussion on "Approaches to promoting AI innovation" with Valerie Hafez, AI Policy Officer at the Federal Chancellery, MMag. Elisabeth Wagner, Deputy Head of the Austrian Data Protection Authority and Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Schreiber, LL.M., from Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs- GmbH and.

AI in the legal sector: opportunities and challenges

Alexandra Ciarnau, AI expert and Co-Head of the DORDA Digital Industries Group, emphasized the importance of AI expertise in her statement: "According to the AI Act, AI expertise will be mandatory in the future when using AI. With the annual AI Summit and many other workshops and events, we offer opportunities to develop these skills in the relevant disciplines - legal, ethics, tech."

Axel Anderl, Managing Partner and Head of DORDA Digital Industries Group, was convinced of the potential of AI in his statement: "AI is an important driver of innovation and can support companies in many ways. It is therefore important that we address the opportunities and challenges of this technology in equal measure and use it responsibly." Commenting on the event, Anderl said: "The AI Summit is an important platform for exchange. I am delighted that so many renowned experts from business, science and the public sector are taking part in this event and sharing their knowledge and practical experience."

Lively exchange and valuable insights

The AI Summit provided a platform for exchange and networking. Valuable insights were gained in numerous discussions.

Conclusion: a successful event with added value

The AI Summit 2024 was a complete success. The participants were enthusiastic about the event. DORDA Rechtsanwälte and Women in AI are already looking forward to the next edition of the event in 2025.

#AISummit2024 #KI #Legal #Ethics #Tech #WomeninAI #DORDA


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Gianna Maria Lengyel, MistralAI
Axel Anderl und Alexandra Ciarnau
Alexandra Ciarnau, DORDA und Gianna Maria Lengyel, MistralAI
AI Summit