Marie Sophie Reitinger

Principal Associate

Marie Sophie Reitinger ss
Marie Sophie Reitinger

Marie Sophie Reitinger has been working as principal associate at DORDA since 2024. Her practice focuses on public law, in particular construction and regional planning law, energy and energy contract law as well as waste law. In particular, she advises and represents project applicants and municipalities in public law (approval) proceedings. She also advises on the establishment and management of energy communities.

Before joining DORDA, her career took her from the Karl-Franzen University of Graz (Institute for Roman Law) to the Supreme Court of Justice, the Higher Regional Court of Graz and E+H Attorneys at Law. She is a regular lecturer, for example for the AWAK, the ÖVI and the municipal associations of the federal states. She also publishes regularly in legal journals and is a guest on legal podcasts.

University of Graz, Mag iur
University of Graz, Dr iur


Die Ökostrom-Förderung nach dem EAG
Präklusion im Baurecht
Eigentumsbeschränkung durch nicht erlassenen Bebauungsplan? Was der VfGH von den Gemeinden verlangt und was nicht

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